Use This Method To Get Results: Surrender Technique

Can we still manifest our desires if we feel low or sad? I often asked myself this question when I started learning about manifestation and how to use your subconscious mind to get what you want. If you’re wondering the same thing, the technique I will reveal in this article will be useful to you.

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Manifestation and Negative Feelings

Let’s face it: life is hard sometimes. We all have experienced bad days and been at lower points in our life. If you are still wondering if manifesting when feeling low is possible — yes, it actually is.

First important thing to know is that all your negative thoughts or emotions will not immediately manifest. Please don’t believe anyone that tries to convince you otherwise. Manifestations happen when we’re in complete alignment with what we’re focusing on, which isn’t the case with intrusive thoughts, which are most often baseless. It is true you should keep them in check, though, and not persist in your negative assumptions.

A positive self-concept is one of the key factors during manifestation and should not be ignored, but know it’s okay to feel low at some times. Allow yourself to feel your emotions and do not try to resort to toxic positivity. Neglecting your emotions will not help you manifest faster!

So, how do we make use of our subconscious mind when feeling so low? If you struggle with low self-esteem or self-image, starting working on your self-concept is a good first step, but the following technique might do wonders as well.

Surrender technique

The surrender technique is exactly how it sounds like, and as backwards as it sounds — surrendering doesn’t actually mean giving up on what you want.

With the surrender technique, you completely let go from your desires by emotionally and mentally detaching.

This means letting go of how you feel about your desire, the outcome, the timeframe and so on. If you want to learn more about detachment in general, this easy guide might be worth checking out.

So, how to actually do this technique? Just follow the steps below!

Step 1: Get comfortable

First of all, you want to be and feel peaceful while doing this technique. Make sure you’re in a place where you feel safe and cozy – and most important, a place where you won’t be disturbed, free from any distractions. Grab a blanket, make sure you ate well and perhaps put on some relaxing music.

Step 2: Release your need for control

Once comfortable, we can start surrendering to our desire. Think about what you want to achieve and convince yourself that even without this desire present in your life, you will be okay. Think about all the things you are grateful for, what you appreciate about yourself or what is going right for you at this moment: practicing gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to lift yourself up.

It is much easier said than done. It forces you to let go of what you so desperately want (or might even need). This requires some deep introspection, because it can be hard to find things you’re actually grateful for when being in such a state, but believe it or not, there are always things to be grateful for.

Optional: Repeat affirmations

Affirming is extremely powerful while doing the surrender technique. The affirmations have a twist, though. They need to come from a place of self-acceptance. So, avoid using affirmations that still drive you towards your desire in some way while making use of this technique.

Affirmations like ”Everything always works out in my favor” or ”I trust in divine timing” are very powerful. You can repeat the affirmations out loud or in your thoughts when doing the surrender technique. These affirmations can also serve as reminders, and can be repeated anytime you catch yourself doubting your manifestation process.

Step 3: Place your trust in a higher power (optional)

When having released your doubts and fears, you may place your trust in a higher power. It does not matter what religion or beliefs you have: it’s important it’s a higher power YOU personally believe in. This can be your God or the Universe. If you don’t follow any religion, or if you’re an atheist, you could see this as just surrendering to life itself.

The takeaway here is that you feel that everything has been taken care of, and that this desire is not of your concern anymore.

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Why this technique works

If you let go of your desire, you let go of all (unhealthy) attachments you might have to your desire, as well.

This is why surrendering is so powerful: you simultaneously let go of feelings like lack and doubt. Alongside that, you will also enter a state of self-acceptance — an extremely favorable state to reside in.

If you’re in state of self-acceptance, you feel whole and happy even without having your desire.

Still, I completely understand how backwards this sounds. How does surrendering makes you manifest, a practice where everyone tells you you should focus on your desire?

It’s all about the state you will be in after you have detached from your manifestation goal. In this state, you are free from feelings of lack and have zero resistance against receiving what you want, because you aren’t worrying anymore.

You allow yourself to be open to receive, simply by detaching and getting rid of the lack state.

Importance of self-love

Another tip I want to give you, is to practice any form of self-love when you have just done the surrender technique. If we are in a detached state (which literally means “to remain objective”) we are easily able to raise our vibrations. We become more receptive to (positive) assumptions and affirmations because we come from a place of complete neutrality.

Also, self-love can be as simple as patting yourself on the back for surviving another day. The important thing is to do something that makes you feel joy!


First of all, the surrender technique might not be for everyone. If you have seen results using other manifestation methods, keep doing what you’re doing! This technique is especially powerful when you don’t feel like manifesting or when feeling low. It’s also great to give it a try if you haven’t seen your desired results yet. Letting go of something you really, really want to achieve takes a lot of inner strength — but it truly pays off!

Remember, you do not chase, you attract!

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